The All India Hotelist directory is into its 15th year of publication and now features over a 1400 Hotels in India.

Wherever possible, we have included photographs of the hotels and their rooms, along with the other relevant information. All tariffs are for the year 2012 and subject to change at the discretion of the individual Hotel Managements.

The current exchange rate for US$ is Rs. 45, Euro is Rs. 60 and British £ is Rs. 72. The conversion will give you the approximate rate for Hotels who have not given us a US Dollar and British Pound rate (The exchange rates are subject to change.)

The Hotelist is on the Internet at www.pathfinderindia.com. Our website has details of 7000 hotels in India. Our online reservation service is available for every hotel featured on the website. We also accept reservation at our Bangalore office.  

We invite readers to send us any suggestions they might have,  for future editions of "The Hotelist" and addresses of hotels that we have missed.
